Spanish foods
from a to z

or go shopping in Spain ...
It's also more-than-likely you sometimes get stuck for words whilst out shopping in Spanish supermarkets, or browsing round local fruit and veg markets.
What's your answer?...
... You could try printing out the following list of Spanish food vocabulary, then tuck it away in your handbag or wallet, ready to whip out when you're lost for those Spanish food words.
So, here we go then with our list of Spanish foods from a to z ...
spanish foods from a to z - letters a to l
spanish foods - A/B
- aceite = oil
- aceite de oliva = olive oil
- aceitunas= olives
- ajo = garlic
- albóndigas = meatballs
- alcachofas = artichokes
- almejas = clams
- almendras = almonds
- anchoas = anchovies
- angulas = baby eels
- arroz = rice
- atún = tuna fish
- bacalao = cod
- besugo = sea bream
- bizcochos = sponge fingers
- boquerones = anchovies
- butifarra = Catalan sausage
spanish foods - C
- caballa = mackerel
- calabacines = courgettes
- calabaza = pumpkin
- calamares = squid
- callos = tripe
- caracoles = snails
- castañas = chestnuts
- cebolla = onion
- cerdo = pork
- cerveza = beer
- chipirones = squid
- chorizo = spicy sausage
- chuletas = chops
- cocido = stew
- conejo = rabbit
- cordero = lamb
spanish foods - D/G
- dátiles = dates
- empanadas = savory pasties
- ensalada = salad
- ensaladilla rusa = Russian salad
- entremeses = hors d´oeuvres
- espinacas = spinach
- espárragos = asparagus
- estofado = stew
- fabada = haricot bean stew
- faisán = pheasant
- fiambres = cold meats
- flan = crème caramel
- fresas = strawberries
- fruta = fruit
- gambas = prawns
- garbanzos = chickpeas
- gelatina = jelly
- guisantes = peas
spanish foods - H/L
- habas = broad beans
- helado = ice cream
- higos = figs
- huevos = eggs
- hígado = liver
- jamón = ham
- jamón Serrano = Spanish cured ham
- jerez = sherry
- judías verdes = French green beans
- langosta = lobster
- langostinos = king prawns
- lechuga = lettuce
- lenguado = sole
- lentejas = lentils
- lomo = loin of pork
- lubina = sea bass
spanish foods from a to z - letters m to z
spanish foods - M/N
- mandarinas = tangerines
- mantequilla = butter
- manzanas = apples
- mariscos = shellfish
- mazapán = marzipan
- mejillones = mussels
- melocotones = peaches
- melón = melon
- membrillo = quince jelly
- merluza = hake
- mermelada = jam
- morcilla = black pudding
- naranjas = oranges
- natillas = cold custards
spanish foods - P/Q
- pan = bread
- panceta = bacon
- pastel = cake
- patatas = potatoes
- pato = duck
- pavo = turkey
- pepinillos = gherkins
- pepino = cucumber
- peras = pears
- perejil = parsley
- pimiento = peppers
- piña = pineapple
- plátanos = bananas
- pollo = chicken
- pomelo = grapefruit
- pulpo = octopus
- queso = cheese
spanish foods - R/S
- raya = skate
- remolacha = beetroot
- repollo = cabbage
- requeson = cottage cheese
- revuelto = scrambled eggs
- riñones = kidneys
- romero = rosemary
- salchichas = sausages
- salmonetes = red mullet
- salmón = salmon
- salmón ahumado = smoked salmon
- salsa = sauce
- sandía = water melon
- sardinas = sardines
- sidra = cider
- sopa = soup
spanish foods - T/Z
- tallarines = noodles
- tarta = cake/tart
- ternera = beef
- tomates = tomatoes
- tomillo = thyme
- tortilla (francesa) = omelette
- tortilla española = Spanish omelette
- trucha = trout
- turrón = type of nougat
- uvas = grapes
- vieiras = scallops
- vino = wine
- yema = egg yolk
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